| 1. | The businessman group of ningbo and the xinhai revolution 宁波商帮与上海辛亥革命 |
| 2. | An opinion on zhang taiyan and the xinhai revolution 章太炎与辛亥革命刍论 |
| 3. | The psychological condition of elitism in xinhai revolution time 略论辛亥革命时期的民粹主义心态 |
| 4. | Shanxi grand acadamy and xinhai revolution 山西大学堂与辛亥革命 |
| 5. | Bai wenwei and the early period of the xinhai revolution in anhui province 柏文蔚与安徽早期辛亥革命 |
| 6. | Investigating the topology of yancheng during the 1911 xinhai revolution 辛亥革命时期盐城地方史考述 |
| 7. | Criticism and gradual transformation of the sense of family and clan system around the period of the xinhai revolution 清末民初知识分子对家庭观念和家族制度的批判及渐微变革 |
| 8. | From wuxu reform to xinhai revolution , liang qichao incessantly cried for the sake of the country and people 从戊戌变法到辛亥革命,梁启超不停地为富国强民这一目标而奔走呼号。 |